IX. Definitions, glossary, table of content and cover
9.2. Glossary
ACTORD | Activation Order |
AHP | Allied Hydrograph publication |
AJP | Allied Joint Publication |
AOO | Area of Operations |
AOI | Area of Interest |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
ASCOPE | Area, Structures, Capabilities, Organizations, People and Event |
ATP | Allied Tactical Publication |
AU | African Union |
AWNIS | Allied Worldwide Navigational Information System |
BI | Building Integrity |
CA1 | Comprehensive Approach |
CA2 | Civil Affairs |
CAA1 | Civilian Assembly Areas |
CAA2 | Civil Affairs Activities |
CAAC | Children and Armed Conflict |
CACOMS | Civil Affairs Commands |
CAO | Civil Affairs Operations |
CAPT | Civil Affairs Planning Team |
CASA | Civil Affairs Supported Activities |
CAT | Civil Affairs Team |
CBRN | Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear |
CCCM | Camp Coordination and Camp Management |
CCFs | Core Competencies and Functions |
CCIRs | Commander’s Critical Information Requirements |
CCOE | CIMIC Centre of Excellence |
CCT | Cross-Cutting Topics |
CE | Civil Engagement |
CEP | Civil Emergency Planning |
CFPG | CIMIC Functional Planning Guide |
CHS | Core Humanitarian Standard |
CICOM | CIMIC Coordination Meeting |
C-IED | Counter Improvised Explosive Devices |
CIM | Civil Information Management |
CIMIC | Civil-Military Cooperation |
CIMIC GRP | Civil-Military Cooperation Group |
CIP | Critical Infrastructure Points |
CIS | Communications and Information Systems |
CI&Sy | Counter-Intelligence and Security |
CJSOR | Combined Joint Statement of Requirements |
CLT | Civil Liaison Team |
CME | Civil-Military Engagement |
CMI | Civil-Military Interaction |
CMIS | Civilian-Military Information Sharing and Planning |
CMO | Civil-Military Operations |
CMOC | Civil-Military Operations Centre |
CoA | Course of Action |
COE | Centre of Excellence |
COG | Centre of Gravity |
COIN | Counter-insurgency |
CONOPS | Concept of Operations |
COP1 | Common Operational Picture |
COP2 | Comprehensive Operations Planning |
COPD | Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive |
CP | Cultural Property |
CPG | Component Planning guidance |
CPOE1 | Comprehensive Preparation of the Operational Environment |
CPOE2 | Comprehensive Picture of the Operational Environment |
CPP | Cultural Property Protection |
CR | Civil Reconnaissance |
CRTS | CIMIC Reporting and Tracking System |
CSE | CIMIC Support Element |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
CST | CIMIC Support Team |
CSU | CIMIC Support Unit |
CT | CIMIC Team |
CU | CIMIC Unit |
CULAD | Cultural Advisor |
DC | Dislocated Civilian |
DIRLAUTH | Direct Liaison Authority |
DOD | Department of Defense |
EIH | Environment Industrial Hazard |
ELM | Extended Liaison Matrix |
EME | Electromagnetic Enviroment |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
ERC | Emergency Relief Coordinator |
EU | European Union |
EU BG | European Union Battlegroups |
EU FHQ | European Union Force Headquarters |
EU HQ | European Union Headquarters |
EU OHQ | European Union Operations Headquarters |
EWG | Engagement Working Group |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FCdr | Force Commander |
FDR | Foreign Disaster Relief |
FHA | Foreign Humanitarian Assistance |
(F) HQ | Force Headquarters |
FMA | Foreign Military Assets |
FoM | Freedom of Movement |
GENAD | Gender Advisor |
GOs | Governmental Organizations |
GIZ | Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit |
HA | Humanitarian Assistance |
HC | Humanitarian Coordinator |
HCT | Humanitarian Country Team |
HN | Host Nation |
HNS | Host Nation Support |
HNSA | Host Nation Support Arrangements |
HQs | Headquarters |
HRL | Human Rights Law |
IASC | Inter-Agency Standing Committee |
IAT | Information Activity Team |
IAWG | IA Working Group |
ICI | Istanbul Cooperation Initiative |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
IDPs | Internal Displaced Persons |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
IFRC | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies |
IGO | Intergovernmental Organizations |
IHL | International Humanitarian Law |
IKM | Information/Knowledge Management |
InfoOps | Information Operations |
InfoSec | Information Security |
INGO | International Non-government Organization |
IO | International Organization |
IOM | International Organization for Migration |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Battle space |
IPI | Indigenous Populations and Institutions |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Security |
IT | Information Technology |
JFC’s | Joint Force Commander’s |
JOA | Joint Operations Area |
KD | Knowledge Development |
LoAC | Law of Armed Conflict |
LCC | Land Component Command |
LEGAD | Legal Advisor |
LHI | Locally Hired Interpreter |
LO | Liaison Officer |
LOC | Lines of Communication |
MAB | Mission Analysis Briefing |
MARCOM | Allied Maritime Command |
MC | Military Committee |
MCC | Maritime Component Command |
MCDA | Military and Civil Defence Assets |
MD | Mediterranean Dialogue |
MDMP | Military Decision-Making Process |
MGO | Military Government Operations |
MILENG | Military Engineering |
MNCG | Multinational CIMIC Group |
MoE | Measures of Effectiveness |
MoP | Measures of Performance |
MP | Military Police |
MSRs | Main Supply Routes |
MRO | Military Response Options |
NA5CRO | Non-Article 5 Crisis Response Operations |
NAC | North Atlantic Council |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NCAGS | Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping |
NED | North Atlantic Council Execution Direction |
NEOs | Non-Combat Evacuation Operations |
NFIU | NATO Force integration Unit |
NGO | Non-governmental Organization |
NSC | NATO Shipping Centre |
OHQ | Operations Headquarters |
OLRT | Operational Liaison and Reconnaissance Team |
OpCdr | Operational Commander |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPG | Operations Planning Group |
OPLAN | Operation Plan |
OPORD | Operation Order |
OPP | Operational Planning Process |
OPSEC | Operational Security |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
PAO | Public Affairs Office |
PCRS | Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System |
PfP | Partnership for Peace |
PIR | Priority Intelligence Requirements |
PMESII | Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure and Information |
PoC | Protection of Civilians |
POLAD | Political Advisor |
POW | Prisoners of War |
PRC | Populace and Resources Control |
PSYOP | Psychological Operation |
RFI | Request for Information |
RDL | Rapid Deployment Level |
QIP | Quick Impact Projects |
SAI | Sivil Asker Isbirligi (CIMIC) |
SASE | Safe and Secure Environment |
SAG | Staff Advisory Group |
SCA | Support to Civil Administration |
SCS | Sites of CIMIC Significance |
SCU | Support CIMIC Unit |
SEA | Sexual Exploitation and Abuse |
SGBV | Sexual and Gender-Based Violence |
SITREPS | Situation Reports |
SMCS | Sites of Major CIMIC Significance |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SOF | Special Operations Force |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedures |
StratCom | Strategic Communications |
SU | Situational Understanding |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats |
TACON | Tactical Control |
T-CAPTs | Theater Civil Affairs planning Team |
TE | Technology, Environment |
TF | Task Force |
TOPFAS | Tool for Operational Planning Functional Area Service |
TST | Tactical Support Teams |
TTP | Tactics, Techniques and Procedures |
UK DFID | United Kingdom Department for International Development |
UN | United Nations |
UN-CMCoord | United Nations-Civil-Military Coordination |
UNCT | United Nations Country Team |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
UNFPA | United Nations Population Fund |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner’s Office for Refugees |
UN-HABITAT | United Nations Human Settlements Program |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
UNOCHA | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs |
UN RC | United Nations Resident Coordinator |
US | United States |
UNSCR | United Nations Security Council Resolution |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
WFP | World Food Program |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction |
WTO | World Trade Organization |